Welcome to the Greater Seattle APA!
Talk to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and you will see that they either play in the APA or know someone who does. People from all different backgrounds and walks of life play in the APA Pool League. In addition, over one fourth of APA members are female. APA is a great way to "Have Fun, Meet People, & Play Pool!"
The APA is the World's Largest Amateur Pool League with more members than all other amateur leagues combined. Nationally, the APA currently boasts over 260,000 members (and growing). Our local league boasts over 1000 members in the Greater Seattle APA.
For those of you that might be thinking, "I'm not good enough to play," consider this.......75% of APA members are beginner to intermediate players, meaning you don't have to be a pool shark to play. The only thing you really need, is the desire to have fun! With APA's Equalizer® Handicap System, everyone has an equal chance of winning.
More Players. More Divisions. Higher Payouts.
More Opportunities To Qualify For Nationals.
8-Ball Doubles, 8-Ball Ladies, 8-Ball Open, 9-Ball Doubles, 9-Ball Open, Masters